Buy-of-the-Week: Carly
Two months in and I am thrilled to write about my new twice daily work horse, MaeLove Glow Maker. I read about it via Emily Henderson's blog months ago and added it to my google doc of "beauty products to try". I do this so I don't instantly buy something I don't need, but so that I have an ongoing list of items I would like to try at the ready if I need a change/something new beauty wise.
I am LAZY about face care, but the older I get the more important it has become to me. I got a facial, probably three years ago (eek!) and asked way too many questions about what I should be doing. The main thing the esthetician told me was to make sure I was using a vitamin C serum daily. I have ever since and have never really been in love with one...until now!
I have acne prone skin that is just never super happy. I also have pretty red checks and kind of blotchy skin. When I read about this product, the reviewer talked about both things and for the $27 price point, I figured it was worth the plunge.
I have LOVED this product. I never have really had something I have been WOW about in the past with skincare (other than my RoC eye cream). I'm interested to see if I feel a difference in the winter with brightness. I feel like I do now, but with summer tan happening I always feel better there. The big difference I have noticed is with the redness in my checks. I used to feel like I needed to put on foundation to calm things down and now I truly don't feel like I need it. It has completely wiped it out!
I just ordered my second bottle, so figured it was a good time to write about in case you are hoping to find an affordable Vitamin C to add to your repertoire!
Talk soon,