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Fashion Advice: Coat 101

Now that the snow is here, coats are out in full force. While every client I work with has very different coat needs, I find myself looking for the following main things for nearly every one of my clients:

1) Waist definition:

If you can’t see your waist (or the coat does not fake one) you are making yourself look bigger. Look for a jacket that has a great cut in at the waist or even better has a belt detail or waist seam to show off your fabulous shape!

2) Length: In terms of length look for a jacket that is either hitting you mid butt or higher or just above the knee. Covering your butt fully, but then stopping immediately after it is not a great proportion on anyone. So keep it lower or higher depending on your warmth preference!

3) Fit: Finally, whenever possible try to get a jacket that is either single breasted or has a zipper. While a double-breasted wool jacket is definitely the “classic” look, they also add a lot of bulk. A jacket that does not have a ton of extra fabric in the front will always be more figure flattering!

Happy coat hunting!


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