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Buy-of-the-Week: Joe's Flawless Skinny

What it is

Why I bought it

I occasionally go on a jean spree in efforts to find a great fit; not only for myself, but as research for my clients. My number one make-or-break jean feature is pocket placement. I am never going to let my clients leave a store with a poor pocket placement. I like to make sure the pocket is balanced on the cheek and accentuates positively versus enlarging or flattening. Jeans tend to be the hardest thing to find because of our various body types, so I like to make sure I am well-educated in what each individual will look and feel great in.

Where I bought it

Nordstrom Rack


$168.00 (Through Nordstrom)


4.5 Stars. They are a great fit and I love that I don't have to hem the ankle length.



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